Limited Edition 1

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From the artist Benjamin Smith: "My belief behind the theme of “Desire” is that everyone shares the traditional idea of “Chasing” certain things. My interpretation of the theme highlights my ambitions and desires as a creative artist. I express this by using relatable elements for anyone, regardless of what their professions, goals, or dreams may be. I use my abstract faces to represent EVERYONE (all of us) and various symbols to portray progress (THE DIRECTION), passion (THE FEELING), money (THE BAG), and time (THE FREEDOM). "

About the artwork
About the artwork

The Freedom

This piece is centred on time; the thought of time passing, using time wisely, spending time with who we love and doing what we love, and sacrificing time for working hard now to bring freedom in the future. The symbols representing “the clock” have different colours and shapes; everyone values and prioritizes time differently. The point is that we ONLY live once…time is the most precious currency in this world and how we spend it, will determine the difference between happiness and regret.
By Benjamin Smith
About the artwork

The Bag

Money allows us to operate in the modern world. It is something that everyone needs, something that I desire plentifully. In the painting, money surrounds the figures with abundance, in a dispersed composition and with a feeling of movement. I wanted to represent the idea that money can come into our lives in different ways and from different directions…some of which we never expected to pay off. But if we don’t take the risk, we will never know.
By Benjamin Smith
About the artwork

The Direction

It is all about progression and moving forward. Like many others, I strive to be a better person than I was yesterday. Progressing on our goals, passions, desires, and getting closer to where and who we want to be is the narrative here. Is there an end goal or moment? Do we just keep on going until we can’t anymore? I don’t know. We will face obstacles pursuing our desires; I represent this in the painting with directional symbols overlapping, moving in tandem, and conflicting with one another, but in the end…THE ONLY WAY IS UP.
By Benjamin Smith
About the artwork

The Feeling

A piece focused on passion and the reaction in our mind and body that comes with doing what we love. My desire as a creative artist was to create a world where I could paint every day for a living. That is my passion. The quick mark-making and colours in this piece reflect passion oozes from the mind and body, when we can do something that we love so deeply, ingrained in us, that truly makes us feel alive.
By Benjamin Smith